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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Letting Go

"Depression is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign that you have been trying to be strong for too long."

Best quote I've heard so far to describe what it actually feels like to be depressed sometimes.

It's late, and I'm not sad enough to really get into this right now, but that quote did get me thinking which, at this time of night, probably means that whatever I come up with really isn't worth being published, but I'll be damned if I care. No one really reads this thing anyway. Sometimes, you live life the same way, following the same path daily, and never notice that you're wearing a groove into the ground, just digging your rut deeper and deeper. That's what depression is like. You dig-dig-dig, trying to find something relevant, and in your single-minded focus, you lose sight and track of the big picture.

It's impossible not to let yourself go, when your focus is wrong and your eyes blurred by tears and dust. But even if all the attempts are futile, and lead to nothing constructive or positive, it;s still worth it to step back and evaluate your handiwork. Sure, you may have dug a ditch which is useless and stupid, but at the same time, you dug a ditch, which is impressive in it's size and dedication.

It's hard to find joy in the little things when nothing's going your way. Negativity breeds negativity. But it only takes one smile to light up a gloomy sky, and the cup isn't always half-empty. Sometimes, all it really takes is a good night's sleep and a fresh perspective to make everything seem better.

Sometimes it's best just to let go of everything that bothers you or doesn't satisfy your soul and start anew, making everything fit your life the way you want it (and need it) to.

That's all that comes to mind right now. Good night.


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