I took a walk one winter day and met a man in furs.
A kindly, grandfatherly man, he offered me a choice.
"Stay here", said he, "and live your life, as dully as it is,
Or come with me and see the world, the lands that I come from."
I stood there long, and pondered this, not knowing what to choose.
A voice within spoke up in fright, with caution did it tell
That if I left my home today it might be a mistake.
My cowardice would guide me naught, I reasoned with myself.
This once, just once, I'll take a leap and I will not look back.
With my choice made, I turned to him, "Please let me come with you.
See sights and sounds not seen before- I wish to see this through."
He took my hand and led me north, toward the icy plains.
The cliffs were steep, the waters deep, and snow covered the trees.
The journey was quite treacherous, a slipp'ry, long sojourn.
The man moved fast, his footing sure, his movements were precise.
The landscape was all white and bleak, no life was there in sight.
My fingers numbed and my nose froze as mist rose from my mouth.
With every step away from home, my heart and spirit soared.
Adventure, like a vibrant bird, had nested in my soul.
I'm poised for flight, my head held high, my wings are far outstretched.
I'm heading north, to snows and frost, toward new poss'bilities.